PearlKIDZ is the name of our children's ministry and includes AWANA, PearlJAM, Terrific Tuesdays (summer), and Kid's Camp. Jesus loves kids and so do we at Pearl, and our heart is to help parents disciple their kids by leading them to know Jesus and grow in their relationship with Jesus. So, bring your kids (babies through 5th Grade and get them involved in PearlKIDZ today!

AWANA (2 yrs old – 5th grade) Sunday, 5:30pm (September - May) AWANA is a Bible Club designed for kids to learn and memorize Bible verses in a super-fun environment that includes 1) Game time, 2) Bible story time, and 3) Bible memory time. Your kids have never had so much fun as they play a variety of unique competitive group games that are guaranteed to keep them coming back week after week. And the best part is they will learn dozens of Bible verses during the AWANA year. Kids are placed in specially named clubs based on their age/grade: Puggles (2yrs old), Cubbies (3-5yrs old), Sparks (K-2nd Grade), T&T (3rd-5th Grade).

PearlJAM (2 yrs old – 5th grade) Wednesdays, 6:30 pm As the name suggests, kids will jam in a night of singing and dancing as they prepare for their spring & winter musicals. Mrs. Darlene always has a fun and entertaining gospel musical up her sleeve, and kids love jammin’ out with her and her leaders. 3rd through 5th graders also have the opportunity to join the Pearly Hands puppet ministry with Mrs Noell, which meets during the second half of each PearlJAM rehearsal. Your kids will come home singing and playing to the most memorable songs!